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Words of Hannah Kay

Where words come to life.

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YA Icons 2019 TBR

October. Halloween is quickly approaching. And it is nearing the end of the year.

It also just happens to be the month where the YA Icons Readathon is happening!

For the month of October, me, and some of my most fellow bookstagram/reader friends (who I met during the reading rush) have created our very own readathon!

So may I introduce you to the fabulous...

Keep up to date on our Instagram @yaiconsmonth

 This is our logo! Look out for us on Instagram!

Okay so, YA ICONS MONTH happens in a readathon that happens during the month of October. You can join the team of one of four icons. This year, they are from:

  1. The Hunger Games (my team and the best team)
  2. Percy Jackson
  3. The Cruel Prince
  4. Six of Crows

 Each team have their own set of prompts based upon the book:

1. The Hunger Games
Me (@wordsofhannahkay) & Lanna (@lanna_books)

the hunger games prompts
2. Percy Jackson
Magda (@eyeofareader)

percy jackson prompts
3. The Cruel Prince
Gia (@lovingthevillain)

the cruel prince prompts
4. Six of Crows
Alexander (@arkreads) & Stephani (@stephistorymaster)

Six of Crows Prompts

Any idea what team you want to be on yet? Don't worry, you still have plenty of time!

Here is my TBR list to help you out!

  1. Read a book you've been burning to read
    Crown of Feathers by Nicki Pau Preto
  2. Effie wore extravagent outfits - read a book with a bold front cover
    100 Days of Sunlight by Abbie Emmons
  3. Katniss, Peeta and Gale had an intertwining relationship - read a book with a love triangle
    Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
  4. Peeta was a baker - read a book that left you hungry for more
    Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J. K. Rowling
  5. Katniss, Peeta and Gale were from District 12 - read the 12th book on your shelf and/or TBR list
    The Shadowhunter's Codex by Cassandra Clare
  6. The Mockingjay was iconic - read a book with an animal on the front cover
    Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce
  7. Read the group book
    The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins


Decided to participate? Message our Instragram page @yaiconsmonth to be added to a team!

Thank you for reading,

Stay awesome,

Want to continue the conversation? You can find me on my social media: 


Image Credit:
* Baby Kong Gif via GIPHY
* The Hunger Games Prompts via INSTAGRAM
* Percy Jackson Prompts via INSTAGRAM
* The Cruel Prince Prompts via INSTAGRAM
* Six of Crows Prompts via INSTAGRAM


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About Hannah

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Hi, I'm Hannah. This is my blog.

Adventuring into fictional universes is always something that I have thoroughly enjoyed. Now, as an aspiring author, I get to create them too.
